DebPress (Development)
This is a project I’ve recently decided to undertake after I’ve learned how to set up, secure and maintan Debian servers. When making a new website, using a VPS is a reasonable choice due to faster speeds, increased security among other benefits. Some VPS providers offer a 1 click wordpress install but it’s usually Ubuntu with Apache and you don’t get to choose your firewall settings or anything else. Most VPS providers give you a clean instance where you have to set up everything on your own. While not particularly difficult, it can still be daunting to newbs and time consuming, repetitive and tedious to pros. Basic premise of this program is to allow users to input root password and IP address for their fresh Debian 9 server along with desired name for the website and from there the app will handle all of the rest on its own. Final configuration of the server will consist of a lemp stack (Nginx, MariaDB, PHP), UFW firewall, SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt and WordPress on Debian 9 x64. All of the passwords will be generated for the user and provided at the end of the setup.
Exptected obstacles: DNS Records not set up to point to the website correctly – Certbot will fail. To be tested. May be implemented as an optional feature.